Sunday, October 01, 2006

Seven Habits of a Proficient Reader

Activating Schema
(Making Connections)
Text to Self – Text to Text – Text to World

Decide on Big Ideas
What are the most important ideas?
What are the most important themes?

Questioning the Author and Text
What are the character’s motives?
Why did the author include this?

Evoking Sensory Images
How can we visualize a scene from the story?
How can we hear a sound as described by the author?

Drawing Inferences
Anticipate events
Make predictions
Draw conclusions

Retelling or Synthesizing
What are the important point of the story?
What is the order in which events occur?

Using Fix-up Strategies
Skipping ahead
Using context
Structural or visual cues

*Make sure you are using your post-it notes as you read so you can write down how you are using these strategies!

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