Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Executive Summary

Finishing the Survey
Remember, the most difficult thing about using survey data, is getting the data. If your survey is confusing in any way, people will not take the time to do it. This is why you have to make sure your survey adheres to the following guidlines:
Survey Checklist
1. Start with demographic questions
2. Then yes/no and true/false
3. Proceed to other forced choice questions
4. Then rank order questions
5. And finally open ended question (do not have more than 2)
6. You should have a minimum of 10 questions (no more than 15)
7. Your name and class number should be given along with my name on the top of the page (along with the instructions)
8. Each question should be individually numbered
9. Answers should be bolded and capitalized
10. Instructions should be italicized
11. Important phrases capitalized
12. Include a page border
13. Add a symbol to the upper left-hand corner of your survey.
14. Include a title on the top of the page
15. Adjust your margins so that you can fit as much on one page as possible
16. Use one 12 point Times New Roman black font
Click here for an example of the propper format (Your survey should look very similar to this when you are finished.).

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