Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Book Group Role: Reverberator

Reverberators focus on echoes and patterns, finding similarities between what they are now reading and what they have already read, seen or done. A reverberator might read “He Lion, Bruh Bear, and Bruh Rabbit,” for example, and think about other stories, films or TV shows about animals, gangsters, hunting, or folk tales. A reverberator might also think about someone he or she knows, perhaps a hunter or someone who is tough or aggressive. The story might remind a reverberator of an incident from their own life, too, - perhaps a hunting trip, or a time when the convinced someone to be a bit more cooperative.

When you read, experiences, memories and pictures from the real world reverberate – they echo one another and help you make connections between the words on the page and life as real people live it.

As today’s story is read, you will be a reverberator, one who will make connections and share them. List the stories, experiences, films, etc., that come to mind in the left column and explain the connection briefly in the right column

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